Uhhhhhh Oh my God

C-Squared’s Cupcake crawl
(on the hunt for the world’s best cupcake ideas, cupcake café’s and cupcake paraphernalia).
In her quest to build the a website with the best cupcake ideas, webmaster Tonya, a.k.a. T2, has sent me on field trips to the Maryland area’s newest, but ever-so-popular, cupcake cafes.
One such field trip followed a business luncheon in one of Washington DC’s trendiest areas – Dupont Circle. I was dispatched to “hello cupcake” on Connecticut Avenue, not too far from the Dupont Circle Metro. I had the very rare fortune of finding a parking space near the café and managed to escape without adding to my DC traffic ticket collection. I must have been my lucky day and my destiny to conquer “hello cupcake”.
It took a while to figure out which store front was the “hello cupcake” café – it is very non-descript from the outside. Once inside though, I found a comfortably crowded café filled with customers eager to fulfill their daily cupcake fix.
I gleened the glass cupcake case and glanced at the “flavor” board to survey the flavors of the day, then called T2 to get my marching orders. “Chocolate with mint” she instructed; “Peppermint Penny” in “hello cupcake” lingo. I asked my server, Shatira, to throw in a “hello cupcake” original vanilla and a gluten-free carrot cupcake for good measure.
The cashier, a lovely girl named Penny rang up my order. “That will be $9.00 please.” NINE DOLLARS? FOR THREE CUPCAKES? For that kind of dough, an orgasm had better accompany the cupcakes!
Upon delivering the loot to T2 for the taste test, the result was evident. “Uhhhhhh. Oh my God!” She liked them so much, that she devoured the cream cheese frosting her dairy-intolerant digestive system had no business eating. The “orgasm” must have been worth it.
“hello cupcake” has 22 flavors, with 8-10 flavors available on any given day. Vegan and gluten-free flavors change frequently. The friendly staff sports nice t-shirts and hats with the logo. It’s located at 1315 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20036.
Obviously from the crowd of mid-day cupcake junkies, “hello cupcake” is worth the fix and the price.
Still on the cupcake prowl,
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