Tag "decorating cupcake ideas"

Cupcakes for healthy “cupcakes”

With my boob in a “vice,” my mind traveled to one of my happy places – thoughts of cupcakes. Then it hit me… I wonder if anyone makes breast cancer awareness cupcakes. Hence, I was on a quest. But I didn’t have to travel far. Low and behold, the very next day, I walked into my local grocery store and was greeted by a beautiful pink cupcake display to honor breast cancer awareness month.
Cupcake bouquet – cupcake decorating ideas specifically for Valentine’s Day

With these cupcake ideas your treat for the day of love is sure to be a big a hit!
Cupcake Ideas For You Market Place

Cupcake decorating ideas in the market place range from unique cupcake wrappers to cupcake recipe books you will find unique items that rock your cupcakes!
Wilton Cupcake Products & Decorating Ideas

Wilton helps you make elegant, whimsical and plain old silly cupcakes and more. Cupcake Ideas include easy flower, monster and funny footed-cupcake designs. Different sized tins, cast pans and decorating booklet help you with every idea. Interview by Cooking.com at the 2007 Home & Housewares Show, Chicago.
Duration : 0:2:52
Cupcake Secrets on Video

WATCH Wedding Cupcake Secrets for yourself.
The best learning tool available for any cupcake occasion
Let me show you the same secrets to wedding cupcake decorating - professional pastry chefs pay thousands of dollars to learn.
This in-depth "Wedding Cupcake Secrets Video" reveals step-by-step secrets of how to create cupcake masterpieces for any occasion!