Tag "Cupcake Ideas"

Easter Cupcake Ideas: Bunnies, Eggs and Flowers

Gorgeous collection of colorful creations handmade fondant bunnies, eggs, and flowers.
Cupcake Bouquet

What do you get when you cross one of the hottest culinary trends, cupcakes, with Mother’s Day? Cupcake Bouquets!
These cupcake creations will make you look at all Mums, Sunflowers and Roses differently. These scrumptious cupcake bouquets are so gorgeous you would actually have to convince Mom to eat them.
A cupcake on a cupcake

What is cuter than a cupcake on a cupcake? I have to put together a tutorial so that you too can make these SweetThings at home for your family and friends. They will love them!
Happy Star Wars Day Cupcakes

May 4 is called Star Wars Day. Well wouldn’t you know it there are plenty of cupcakes that represent Star Wars both past and present.
Cupcake Cakes for… Mother’s Day

Here’s your chance to provide Mom with a unique Mother’s Day gift, a cupcake cake. These three cupcake ideas all feature cupcake cakes that mom would love to eat. If your usual gift is flowers well with this gift she can have her flowers and eat them too.
Global Cupcake Experience!

What do you get when you bring together the finest cupcake ideas from the Northern & Southern Hemisphere’s? An interesting concept called the “Global Cupcake Experience!” This idea is so fresh no one has done anything of its kind before.
Cupcake Secrets on Video

WATCH Wedding Cupcake Secrets for yourself.
The best learning tool available for any cupcake occasion
Let me show you the same secrets to wedding cupcake decorating - professional pastry chefs pay thousands of dollars to learn.
This in-depth "Wedding Cupcake Secrets Video" reveals step-by-step secrets of how to create cupcake masterpieces for any occasion!