Easter Dyed Cupcakes

Submitted by: Lindsay C
My love for Cupcakes is my inspiration.
All Cupcakes included are all Easter Dyed with Vanilla Buttercream.
Pink, Orange, Green, Purple dyed vanilla batter.
Green Coconut colored shavings, Nerds, Star Sprinkles, Green Sugar Sprinkles, Chocolate Sprinkles, Jelly Belly Jelly Beans, Plum and French Vanilla, Purple Peeps.
All cupcakes with green coconut shavings are just plain vanilla cupcakes frosted with vanilla Frosting and dipped in green colored coconut.
My Blue Eyed Bunnie is a Easter dyed cupcake, vanilla buttercream, nerd eyes, nose and chocolate Sprinkles for the whiskers. Bunny ears are made out of vanilla cake batter dyed blue and shaped as bunny ears which was used with a cookie cutter.
Next batch are Chocolate Cupcakes with either Purple or Pink colored Buttercream, Jet Puff Bunny Marshmallows and Star Sprinkles.
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