Holiday Cupcake Ideas

Cupcake Easter Egg Tree

Are you like me and look at everything and say….how can I use that object with/for/on my cupcake??
Cupcake Ideas: LoveLane Bouquet

The inspiration for my floral cupcakes comes from the wide selection of wild flowers I have in my country garden. I love experimenting with different colours and was so, so pleased with the finished result of these cupcakes. I don’t really have many tips as feel a bit of a novice to be honest but I would say that not to be too precise or worry that you are making any mistakes.
Are You Ready for Spooky Halloween Cupcake Ideas?

It’s barely a few hours before trick or treat, so have you thought of what to prepare on your table for your family and friends? It would be nice if the theme for this year’s Halloween party be somewhat new and exciting but creepy at the same time. Here are a few cupcake ideas that […]
Countdown To Halloween Cupcakes

Halloween is forever a fun time for the youngsters and kids to dress up like monsters, ghostly ghouls and witches. These Halloween cupcakes will be exactly the thing when it concerns satisfying those small monsters, ghostly ghouls and witches hungry stomachs. You may bake them a day earlier and put them in a container, […]
Cupcake Secrets on Video

WATCH Wedding Cupcake Secrets for yourself.
The best learning tool available for any cupcake occasion
Let me show you the same secrets to wedding cupcake decorating - professional pastry chefs pay thousands of dollars to learn.
This in-depth "Wedding Cupcake Secrets Video" reveals step-by-step secrets of how to create cupcake masterpieces for any occasion!