Chicago Cheese&Caramel Popcorn Cupcake Ideas

Submitted by: Ogi Merzier
Hubby Takes The Cake
The Chicago Cheese&Caramel Popcorn Cupcake
If you are not from Chicago, then this must sound very bizarre to you. Rest assure, one taste of this combination and you will be hooked! Turning this great taste into a cupcake was something that I wanted to do for years. Finally, I got up the nerve to create a recipe for it. The end result was nothing short of amazing. During the holiday season, we gave these to family and friends who would compliment us on our bravery. Now that I make cupcakes for a living, I have to say that I am so glad that I listened to my instinct and created this cupcake. People really love them and that’s what it’s all about! I hope this inspires you to be creative and have fun when baking! A new masterpiece is waiting to be born! 🙂
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