’99’ Birthday Cupcakes

Submitted by: Charlotte Cunningham
A good friend of mine has a little girl, Isla, who turned 1 at the end of February – I wanted to do something a bit special for her birthday party! So I decided on ’99’ cupcakes.
I chose chocolate and honey sponge (you can’t really taste the honey if you only use a tablespoon but it makes the sponge slightly gooier and denser, and taste more like chocolate than cocoa). I topped the cakes with normal vanilla buttercream, hundreds and thousands, and a quarter of a flake, so they looked like ’99’ ice creams.! They went down a treat and looked lovely displayed on the buffet table. Very easy to make but effective!
I am also told you can bake the sponges in flat-bottomed ice cream cornets…something to try next time 🙂
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